Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Post Two....

So what's up with Twitter? Do people just look at what you're doing like Facebook?
I don't think I know how do to do this social networking blog promoting stuff... my husband says I'm anti social!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Somewhat intimidated....

As I set about to create this post, I felt um nervous? Intimidated?? This is my first blog... and my first post on my first blog. The first post should make a good impression right... make people want to come back to read again? Since I don't live under a rock I think I ought to know more....and yet I feel incredibly not savy about this blogging business.

What do I plan to use my blog for? Well as my profile says, I'm an artist; so part of the purpose for my blog is to feature my art, my Etsy shops, and also to feature the shops, blogs, and websites of other artists.

What else do people talk about in their blogs? life in general I suppose? all of our opinions? well let's keep it light and simple the first time around. It's going on midnight, New Year's Eve's Eve -- My husband is sleeping... soundly, lol, snoring. CNN is on TV; they're talking about Mr. Obama and Israel.. I should probably be watching instead of blogging. My favorite TV show is Top Chef on Bravo... I missed the first few seasons and can't understand WHY WHY WHY now that they're starting their 5th season why the show isn't available on DVD .

My husband and I disagree over whether Brian Regan is a funny comedian... I think he is HILARIOUS, a true comic, and the best modern comedian out there. My husband thinks he not funny, and doesn't understand his facial expressions or why he walks funny when he's doing a show, but I think that makes him funnier. I compell my hubby to watch Brian Regan DVDs with me and occasionnally he laughs inspite of himself <> I admire his style of comedy because I grew up on the Dick Van Dyke Show and The Andy Griffith Show and later the Cosbys... and I think Mr. Regan is after the old school; proof that you don't have to be foul to be funny. I've listened to the same CD a hundred times... and I still laugh. Apparently it doesn't wear off.

Alrighty, I'm winding down and getting sleepy and nothing else I'm considering writing is making any sense...Anyway that's it for the first post, bear with me folks as I figure out what I'm doing on here. If anyone has good blogging advice for me I'm all ears!!